English – Kuldi.com


Kuldi.com is an online store which was launched in 2020 by Elías Guðmundsson, Evert Víglundsson and Sveinn Gunnar Björnsson. Elías is the previous owner of the successful health food brand Gló and is now the co-owner of Héðinn Kitchen and Bar in Reykjavík. Evert is best known for being the owner of Crossfit Reykjavík, and additionally is a huge health enthusiast. Sveinn Gunnar is a Doctor of Chiropractic and the owner of the chiropractic practice, Kírópraktík Lindum. The three of them are passionate about helping others realize their potential and to live a healthier lifestyle. This drive brought them together, and to make a long story short, Kuldi Sleeve was created as a product that simplifies recovery and gives people the chance to use cryotherapy from the comforts of your own home.


Freeze it.

Ice it.

Enjoy it.


It is Kuldi’s mission to simplify and make recovery more accessible and enjoyable for everyone at any given time!


Kuldi Sleeve

Kuldi Sleeve is Kuldi’s first product on the market. It is like the name suggests, a sleeve that you can use to ice your extremities. The revolutionary design of Kuldi Sleeve means that it is highly flexible, comfortable and provides 360 degree coverage for icing. With the Kuldi Sleeve the days of frozen peas, icepacks, and ice-wraps belong in the past.


The full cooling effect of Kuldi Sleeve is about 10-20 minutes given that the sleeve has been in the freezer for a minimum of two hours. Kuldi Sleeve is a great tool to reduce your muscles’ recovery time by reducing inflammation, pain, swelling, and general muscle tension.


Kuldi.com is currently only an online store.

For further inquiries and questions our contact information:


FREES ehf.

Lynggata 1

210 Garðabær



Tel: +354 770 2212

Email: info@kuldi.com