Kulda Sleeve resellers

The company FREES ehf. who manufactures and sells Kulda, only runs the online store www.kuldi.com, but they do have 19 resellers that can be accessed and fitted if necessary.

Kulda Sleeve resellers are:

Crossfit Reykjavík

    • Faxafeni 12, 108 Reykjavík

    • Phone: 561-9900

The health center Kringlunni

    • Kringlan, 103 Reykjavík

    • Phone: 568-9266


    • Skeifan 19, 108 Reykjavík

    • Phone: 568-1717

Chiropractor Lindum

    • Bæjarlind 4, 201 Kópavogur

    • Phone: 534-1010

The chiropractor station

    • Sogavegi 69, 108 Reykjavík

    • Phone: 588-8085

Clinic Physiotherapy

    • Bæjarlind 14-16, 201 Kópavogur

    • Phone: 445-4404

Medicine Borganesi

    • Borgarbraut 58, 310 Borganes

    • Phone: 437-1168

Medicine Egilsstaðir

    • Kaupvangur, 700 Egilsstaðir

    • Phone: 471-1273

Lyfja Húsavík

    • Garðarsbraut 5, 640 Húsavík

    • Phone: 464-1212

Medicine Lágmúla

    • Lágmúli 5, 108 Reykjavík

    • Phone: 533-2300

Lyfja Selfossi

    • Austurvegur 4, 800 Selfoss

    • Phone: 482-3000

Lyfja Smáralind

    • Hagasmára, 201 Kópavogur

    • Phone: 530-5800

Lyfja Smáratorg:

    • Smáratorg, 201 Kópavogur

    • Phone: 564-5600

Niðavellir in Akureyri

    • Frostagatu 1a, 603 Akureyri

Sports ice cream

    • Skeifan 11, 108 Reykjavík

    • Telephone: 520-1000

Sporting goods

    • Dalvegi 32a, 201 Kópavogur

    • Phone: 544-4140

Sportver in Akureyri

    • Glerárreyr (Glerártorg), 600 Akureyri

    • Phone: 461-1445

Studio Sport in Selfoss

    • Austurveğir 11, 800 Selfossi

    • 482-1120

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the opening hours of each one, as these are not places we operate.
For more information about the product, you can send a mail to the email address info@kuldi.com